Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

Transforming Global Education

Kambia brings live international project-based learning directly to your students. Educators and their classes work with our on-the-ground local teams to collaborate with marginalized communities abroad. Kambia programs help to resolve health and economic challenges so students can make a real-world impact.

Our Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

A Holistic View

Kambia uniquely implements a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of monitoring and guidance.

The Empowered 100 is Global Brigades’ commitment to empower 100 rural communities in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama that represent about 65,000 persons to permanently rise out of global poverty through 3 core components: healthcare, WASH, and economic development. These 3 components correspond to 6 goals for an Empowered Community and align with United Nations Sustainable Development goals. Our ultimate goal is to create a blueprint to end rural poverty in our lifetime.

Follow our progress in meeting the E100 goal

How We Fund Our Model


Global Brigades is almost entirely funded through our volunteer’s fundraising. We empower more than 500 chapters worldwide to mobilize their peers. Volunteers fundraise to meet a Donation Goal, which funds the project, as well as covers our year round work. Volunteers who are able to meet their full Donation Goal are able to join us in the implementation of the projects on the ground.

Donors & Grants

Global brigades is lucky to have individual and family donors that contribute directly to the implementation of our holistic model in communities. Since all of our overhead is covered through funds raised for Brigades, we are able to utilize 100% of these funds for healthcare, economic development or WASH projects. In addition, has received some funding through grants and we continue to pursue further opportunities in this area.


Global Brigades works with numerous government and non-government partners, both internationally, and locally in our programming countries. Finding common ground in our respective missions and models allows us, and our partners, to benefit mutually from each other’s contributions to our partner communities, accelerating impact.

Annual Reports