Katherin first joined the Global Brigades team in April 2018 as a brigade translator. After facilitating meaningful intereactions between volunteers and communities on her first brigade, she realized how much she cared about the work Global Brigades was doing with community partners and wanted to further be part of it. Katherin continued working with Global Brigades as a translator before becoming a Brigade Coordinator at the end of that first year.
Katherin studied at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Franscisco Morazán in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and graduated in 2017 with a degree to teach English. Before her time with Global Brigades, Katherin worked at the university as part of her teaching practicum and is now excited to bring her passion for education to our team with volunteers. She is excited to con
She is excited about serving the communities of her country in her current role and being able to make an impact through empowering volunteers, communities, and staff. When she’s not sharing her passion for our work with volunteers, Katherin loves to singing, dancing, reading, and spending time with her family.